Think Above Par

What To Do When Good Golf Thoughts Don't Work

Kathy Hart Wood Episode 182

In this insightful episode, Kathy dives deep into the power of positive thinking on the golf course.
Have you ever wondered why some affirmations just don’t seem to work, no matter how positive they sound?

The secret lies in understanding how our brains process these thoughts. We'll uncover three crucial insights: ensuring your thoughts are believable, creating an emotional connection, and managing the inner dialogue.

Learn how to engage in a mental 'tug of war' with your thoughts and emerge victorious. With practical strategies and heartfelt advice, discover how to reshape your mindset, enhance your performance, and find more joy in your game.

Join Kathy for a journey into thoughtful, intentional golf, and let's transform your mental approach to achieve more success on the course.

Connect with Kathy at

Did you get what you wanted out of your game this season?  Feel like you underperformed? I'm looking for 4-5 serious golfers who want to play to the potential and feel proud of the way that they showed up and the results that they created on the golf course.  So if that's you  you're ready, click the link to schedule a short 10 minute clarity call so we can see if we're a good fit.

Clarity Call